Sunday, December 04, 2005

Work Break

Phew! I've just stopped revising for a history test tomorrow, so if you want to know what percentage of iron production was taken away from Germany by the Versailles Treaty - I'm your man. Seriously though, I do feel fairly confident about the subject matter, it's just down to my exam technique now.

On a more Christmassy note, I would like to officially declare that this afternoon, I consumed my first mince pie of the festive season. It was very nice, especially as it was piping hot and consumed with a copious amount of cream - delicious. Anyway, as well as increasing my BMI so that I might not be using the NHS for any future operations, it also reminded me - God, it's Christmas! But to honest, I don't feel like it yet. It's always like this every year; it's not until I'm watching some cliché of a film on Christmas Eve that I finally feel in the mood. Nevertheless, as soon as I feel festive (which I hope will be when we put up the tree), you'll be the first to know.

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