Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A festive update... of sorts

I suppose it's a cliché to comment incessantly on how fast the time passes, but yet again I feel obliged to bring it up. It seems like only yesterday I was in Padstow, holidaying, and now we're just about to unearth the pathetic pieces of tinsel that pass for our Christmas decorations. Perhaps one reason I seem to be travelling into the future at breakneck speed is that to a certain extent, I wish the time away. I will glad when this year is over as firstly, my retched exams will be out of the way; secondly, I'll know where I am with regards to uni.

So far I have recieved two rejections and two offers. The LSE and Durham, both notorious for having stringent, yet unwritten, GCSE requirements both hate me. This initially proved depressing, until Exeter offered me a place for History BA (Hons) at AAB, and Warwick History & Politics BA (Hons) at AAB, plus a C in AS Sociology. Of course I still really want to go to Cambridge, but I noted that Warwick's programme contains a core module on world history, 1750-2000. This seems sounder than Cambridge's more fragmented approach, as I would imagine it gives one the opportunity to contextualise the more specialised knowledge accrued later in the course. Of course, I would still prefer Cambridge by miles, but all would not be lost by a rejection. Just three weeks until I find out whether they'll have me.

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