Tuesday, November 22, 2005

C'est Froid!

Well it's been a while hasn't it, four days in fact since I last posted here, quite unusual. By the way, this post's title is composed of the little French I can still remember from my GCSE, and I thought I would put it to good use here in creating a mysterious (ok, not that mysterious) blog title.

On the subject of "c'est froid," may I take the opportunity to inform any foreign visitors to this blog that in Britain - it's freezing! Honestly, you wouldn't believe how cold it is, especially considering how mild it was until only last week. Every morning I bravely walk to the college bus stop, looking like some odd suburban steam train, feeling like Captain Scott no doubt did shortly before he was turned into a human ice lolly. On top of these Artic temperatures, we had a delightfully heavy mist over the weekend and on Monday. Rather rapidly, it transformed the uniformly boring suburbia in which I live, coupled with the cold and ice, into a Hollywood set for movie based in Victorian London. At times, I half expected a horse drawn carriage to clip-clop around the corner and then dissapear again into the gathering dark. All this seems quite bizarre: it feels like only yesterday that I had sustained acute sunburn on holiday in Dorset! However, this sudden change is quite exciting, and has set me in the mood for Christmas.

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